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Taming... Whip It!


Why would you want a pet in EU?


This is possibly one of the most frequently asked questions by colonists, and many say there is no good reason at all. 


They are wrong, of course*.


Again, we're not going to tell you how to tame, there are many sites (including the Entropia main site) that will give you basic instructions, but we'll help you out with some things we think we can add. For instance: underpants are not standard wear for taming. Just saying, Treb...


*says Webmistress Peri, the tamer.

Taming - Tips and Tricks


So this is what you might be tempted to say... and this is why it's stupid!


You say: 


You said there was a good reason for keeping pets. Other than the cute factor (which I don't want, 'cos I'm hard and macho and (goes on for hours here)), what is it?


We say:


Yes, we're so impressed that you're an Uber. Do come and play with Sabre some time, I'm sure he'll be equally impressed.


As for pets, well, they have buffs, and when we say buffs, we mean buffs for you. You can add some neat advantages to your avatar if you can be bothered to skill up your pet to the appropriate level and pay the (small) fee and add some animal essence. A Corinthian Kanin, even a common one, offers a very, very nice acceleration buff. They are not hard to tame and you could level up to tame them in a week or two, maybe less. See here for more on buffs.

You say: 


I've heard pets are expensive to keep. Is that true?


We say:


Everyone has a different idea of what "expensive" is. I (Peri) cannot afford to deposit a lot of money, but I still tame. Sure, if you can't deposit anything, then pet taming isn't for you (yet), because of the cost of whips and of nutrio bars to feed your pets.


However, the inital outlay of a whip and (I recommend) a thousand nutrio, should not break the bank. The whip will last you a lot of tames (to up your skill level so you can tame even better pets) and the nutrio will fully feed your pet and keep it topped up for weeks.


Once you've got a pet to the required level, it's there, it's done. Just don't let it starve and you're good.

You say: 


My friend says he squishes his pets. Why would anyone do something horrible like that?


We say:


Listen up! You're a colonist, soldier, and you have to survive, and surviving means getting every advantage you can.


Squishing pets (which can be done at any stable, via the Pet Management Terminal) is known as "extracting essence" and is done to pets that you no longer need (or can't be bothered to sell). In return for the loss of your pet, you will get between 1 and 3 jars of animal essence, with the chance of a rare essence (depending on the rarity of the pet).This essence is part of what you will need (PED being the other thing) to active the buffs your pet has when levelled.


You'll tame a lot of pets to level up your skills, so "squishing" is a way to use the extra ones to benefit you later on.

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